Well I finally did it... I purchased my first iPhone App.
I usually grab the free ones from the AppStore, mostly because they were free, and I am cheap. Most of the Apps that I have downloaded are Games, Newsreaders, and a couple miscellaneous ones that I thought looked cool and I wanted to check them out.
But this one was different...
This one, I would actually use daily if I had a chance to. This one, made me say wow! This one, did something so amazing I could not pass it up. This one, when I saw an example sent to me from a friend, made me ask:
How Did You Do That???
The Answer: ColorSplash
What is ColorSplash???
ColorSplash lets you quickly and easily give photos a dramatic look by converting them to black and white, while keeping your chosen details in color. This effect - known as a "cutout" or "selective desaturation" - draws the viewers' attention to the colored areas.
Use your finger as a brush to remove or bring back the original color from regions of your image. Quickly zoom in and out using the two finger pinching gesture.
Here are a couple that I did:
Here is one that my 8 year old daughter did:
As soon as I get my Flickr account straightned out, I will post a bunch more.
ColorSplash is available in the AppStore for $1.99